Chi Angeles Rescue > > Adoption Form

Random Quotes :

Dogs by Roger A. Caras
  • "...Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe. We are the focus of their love and faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made...."
Dogs by Arthur Conan Doyle
  • "...A dog reflects the family life. Whoever saw a frisky dog in a gloomy family, or a sad dog in a happy one? Snarling people have snarling dogs, dangerous people have dangerous ones...."

Random Facts :

Chihuahua's Are Fragile
  • Chis are fragile. Little dogs have little bones and one sad fact about Chihuahuas is that they are easily injured. A common injury for these sweet dogs is a luxation of the patella. In laymen’s terms, it is not uncommon for a Chihuahua to dislocate their kneecap usually when jumping off beds or other high surfaces in the home. Another common injury is damage to the trachea. These bitty dogs should only be led with a harness to protect their fragile throats.
Chihuahua's Companionship
  • Chihuahuas are companion pets. Unlike many breeds who were developed for hunting or herding, the Chihuahua breed was developed solely as a companion animal and does this job very well.

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Adoption Form . .

This is the adoption form for Chi Angeles Rescue. If you are wanting to adopt a chihuahua from Chi Angeles Rescue you will need to fill out this form before being considered for adopting one of our Chihuahua's.

All fields with a ASTRIC * Are mandatory and must be completed before submitting the form!!
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