Chi Angeles Rescue > > Animal Shelters > > Kansas Shelters

Random Quotes :

Dogs by Arthur Conan Doyle
  • "...A dog reflects the family life. Whoever saw a frisky dog in a gloomy family, or a sad dog in a happy one? Snarling people have snarling dogs, dangerous people have dangerous ones...."
Chihuahua's by Alan Stern
  • "...Just as a Chihuahua is still a dog, these ice dwarfs are still planetary bodies. The misfit becomes the average. The Pluto-like objects are more typical in our solar system than the nearby planets we first knew...."

Random Facts :

Chihuahua's Are Chihuahua's
  • A Chihuahua is a Chihuahua! A fun fact about Chihuahuas is that they come in many shapes, sizes, and colors but they are ALL still Chihuahuas! Whether a “tea-cup” size or a “standard” size; whether apple-head or deer-head; whether long-haired or short-haired – there is only one Chihuahua breed.
Chihuahua's Soft Spot
  • They have a “soft spot.” One unique Chihuahua fact is that, similar to newborn humans, these precious pups have a soft spot on the top of their skulls known as a molera.

Categories :

Kansas Shelters . .

This is our Kansas Pet and Animal Shelter Category. Here you will find listings of Animal and Pet No-Kill Shelters located in the State of Kansas.

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